Costs less than a weekly personal trainer.

How would you feel

if there was a simple solution for your knees— 

exercises that you could easily do on your own,

in minutes per day

to dramatically improve the way your knees feel?

If you have tolerable knee discomfort - intermittent, achy or painful knees that is annoying but not quite bad enough to go to a doctor - Better Knees for Life™ is for you.

Maybe you've tried exercise, stretching, heat, cold, anti-inflammatories, name it, you've probably tried it to get rid of the pain, yet it persists.

You're frustrated no doubt.

In Better Knees for Life™, you'll finally get past all of this frustration.

Here's how:

  • understand why symptoms come and go and what to do about it;
  • learn how to heal and strengthen your knees from the inside-out - beyond just trying to make your muscles stronger;
  • get instructions and 40 video demonstrations of joint-friendly conditioning and strengthening exercises;
  • learn how to monitor your progress and how to use it to make better decisions;
  • follow-along exercise routines with Laurie Kertz Kelly;
  • advice on when & how to make the exercises harder;
  • ways to measure your success & track your improvement;
  • live, online Question & Answer (Q&A) sessions (twice a month);
  • 41+ hours of Q&A replays to watch at your leisure;
  • over 517 answered questions (time-stamped for your convenience);
  • a private online community (off of social media) for connection & accountability.


Better Knees for Life™ isn't for everyone.

Don't sign up if you:

  • want to push through pain or discomfort;
  • expect a quick fix;
  • don't like working on your own;
  • have had imaging studies (e.g., X-Rays, MRI) that have revealed fractures, ligament tears, & and/or grade IV cartilage injuries or areas of cartilage loss with exposed bone;
  • have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-- rather than osteoarthritis (OA) or chondromalacia;
  • are also experiencing significant limitations due to pain in other areas, such as ankles, hips, or back;
  • have knee pain that is constant & severe (i.e., pain does not ever change / decrease).

Better Knees for Life™ Membership

Join Better Knees for Life today without feeling like it's risky.

We offer a no-questions-asked refund within your first 30 days of joining Better Knees for Life.

Benefits That Will Last A Lifetime

“BKL focuses on nourishing and strengthening knee cartilage to help assure that I will be able to maintain an active lifestyle for my entire lifespan.

I am pleased to see improvement in knee function following a training-related injury, but I am now realizing that the BKL program will have benefits that will last a lifetime as I follow this well-defined program.”

Richard D. - Better Knees for Life member

A "joint first" approach

Conventional exercise routines for people with knee pain focus on strengthening the thigh muscles - quadriceps. And while this is a good thing to do, it doesn't address the underlying problem - a weak joint surface.

Better Knees for Life shows you how to strengthen your knee from the inside-out AND how to strengthen not just your thigh muscles but your hips, trunk, and legs too.

Simple, easy to follow exercises

Knowing what to do and how to do it is key. We walk you through the WHY, WHAT and HOW of each exercise using video tutorials and you can also perform the routines following along with Laurie Kertz Kelly.

Feel and see progress

In Better Knees for Life, you'll learn how to create benchmarks so you can see your progress over time.

The benchmarks also serve as motivation to help you keep working on the program, striving toward end goal.

Excellent Communication

“I like the excellent communication we have with Laurie and also her Q&A zoom meetings. I find it encouraging that BKL is a low-pressure and non-competitive program with the sole interest of providing trustworthy advice and measures that improve knee health.

Much of what I have learned is of value for keeping my knees going for the rest of my life.

Joan E. - Better Knees for Life member

Feel Much Stronger Now

This is what I like so far about BKL: 1) my knee does not bend backwards anymore, 2) if I accidentally make a lateral move on my knee when I’m doing laundry, it no longer causes instant pain or feels so wobbly — it feels much stronger now, and 3) I no longer try to keep from going up or down the stairs only twice a day, once when awakening and again at night bed before going to bed. It’s hard to believe that such mild exercises are having this much of an effect. This helps keep my competitive nature in check and keeps me from trying to out macho my knee thinking I should be able to work through it and that it will get stronger faster if I work it hard.”

Cathy F. - Better Knees for Life member

Focuses on Knee Health

“Following an April 2019 injury, I did physical therapy two or three times a week for several months where the emphasis was on strength, agility and balance. My lower body strength was good at the time, yet I did not see improvements in my pain levels when climbing steps or getting out of a chair. 

Improving cartilage quality, resiliency and strength was never discussed during PT. In contrast, BKL exercises focus on cartilage health by bringing moisture and nutrients to knee cartilage to restore viability and function. 

Between the BKL pilot program and applying the Dr. Kelsey’s principle of “Passive Continuous Motion” in my daily life, I have seen a significant reduction in knee pain.

Richard D. - Better Knees for Life member

Better Knees for Life™

Table of Contents

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Setting Yourself Up for Success
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Daily Joint Conditioning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Exercise Routines
Available in days
days after you enroll

Things You Will Need

Better Knees for Life™ Membership

Join Better Knees for Life today without feeling like it's risky.

We offer a no-questions-asked refund within your first 30 days of joining Better Knees for Life.


I specialize in coaching people with persistent aches and pains to return to the activities they love. 

I help people like you transform the frustrations of feeling hurt and feeling prematurely 'old' into feeling confident, fit and resilient.

I understand how discouraging it is to try temporary solutions when what you really want is ongoing success.

Laurie's Bio:

  • Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics (1999)
  • Master of Physical Therapy (2001)
  • Began studying with Doug Kelsey, PT, PhD (2004)
  • Certified in Target Tissue Training, a scientifically based prescriptive exercise method developed ​by Doug Kelsey, PT, PhD (2008)  
  • Board certified in Orthopedics by the American Physical Therapy Association (2010)
  • Previous clinical manager of an outpatient orthopedic clinic
  • Conducted over 2,500 consultations & over 33,000 training sessions with clients who want to enjoy an active life.